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Development Status of Easy Format™


Benefits of Easy Format

Product Roadmap

Introduction to the Easy Format Supported Voice / Melody controller

Introduction to Easy Format Enhanced C

Our current development status of Easy Format™ product is summarized as follows:
Type of Easy Format™ Language Products and Licensees Program Specifications Instruction Set Tutorial
Button-appl-spec.gif (1784 bytes) Voice/Melody controller and micro-controller

Button-details.gif (2075 bytes)

Button-details.gif (2075 bytes) Button-details.gif (2075 bytes) Button-details.gif (2075 bytes)
LCD controller Under development Under development Under development Under development
Telecom controller Pending Pending Pending Pending
Network controller Pending Pending Pending Pending
Fuzzy logic controller Pending Pending Pending Pending
Peripheral controller Pending Pending Pending Pending
Game development Pending Pending Pending Pending
Animation Pending Pending Pending Pending
button-enhanced-hl.gif (1977 bytes) C Under development Under development Under development Under development
Visual Basic Pending Pending Pending Pending
C++ Pending Pending Pending Pending
Visual C++ Pending Pending Pending Pending
Java Pending Pending Pending Pending
Windows CE Pending Pending Pending Pending

[Benefits of Easy Format]
[Product Development Status]
[Introduction to Easy Format™ supported voice/melody controller]

EasyFormatWord.JPG (11117 bytes)

For any question or comment: e-mail to
Copyrights© 1999 Grow with Me, Inc.  All materials are subject to change without notice. Easy Format is a trademark of Grow With Me, Inc.  Patent no. 5867818 and other pending patents.
Last modified: 11/02/09 09:27 PM